Photo Conecta Photo

Our Integration

Orange Spain's Digital Centrex Conecta telephony feature
allows integration with Zoho PhoneBridge.
With this feature, Zoho products offer a platform
to manage incoming and outgoing calls within the system.
Photo Contact Orange España
Paseo del Club Deportivo, 1.
Parque Empresarial La Finca
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) España
Phone: +34 912521200
Prior to activating the Zoho integration, you must meet the following requirements:
- Have a Zoho account with sufficient privileges.
- Have an account in Digital Centrex Conecta, provided by Orange Spain, prior agreement and contract signed by both parties.
To enable the integration with Zoho PhoneBridge, meeting the above requirements, you will need to follow the steps below or download the following Administration Guide.

1. Access to the Digital Centrex Orange Spain platform - ZohoPhoneBidge

- In a browser, write the following URL:

- Press the Access button

- Enter the credentials of Digital Centrex Conecta, provided by Orange Spain

2. After identifying yourself and accessing the system, press the menu option [Zoho Integration]

3. Press the button [Enable Digital Centrex Integration with Zoho PhoneBridge]

- A confirmation Popup window will open

- Fill in the Zoho account that will be used later in the activation process in Zoho

- Select the geographical area to which the Zoho account belongs

4. Press [Start Activation], and it will redirect us to the Zoho Identification Web

- We must identify ourselves in Zoho, with the same account that we had filled in in the confirmation window

- After identifying ourselves, Zoho will show us the consent window for the user to activate Phonebridge with Digital Centrex

5. After accepting, it will redirect us to the Administration Web again, to manage the CONECTA phone links with Zoho users